Saturday, 26 September 2020

Rock Formations and Millstones, Burbage South

                               Oil 9 x 12 inches. 
Finished in the solace of the studio after painting in a hurricane at last week’s paint-out with Terry Preen, Jenny Aitken, David Curtis, Chris Slater, Matt Dnahsnam Kay, Ian Layton and Tim Rose.
Even though the temperature was about 18 deg, it was incredibly cold, and as the wind got ridiculously strong, it was impossible to do anything approaching a delicate brushstroke, so much as I would like to have finished it in situ, it was impossible. The calm of the studio is perfect for adding final touches, like the figure to give the monumental scale of the rocks.

Cottages at Grasmere

Watercolour 9 x 12 inches
I didn’t quite get the shaft of light on the hillside above the cottages, which was the hook to paint this view. I may paint it in oils, my default medium, although I enjoyed the tussle of watercolour, especially depicting the low cloud over the distant blue mountain, with the crisp edge disappearing into the cloud.

By Water Newton Mill


                  Watercolour 9.75 x 10.5 inches
Another attempt at this wonderful, delicate medium!
So difficult to handle the paint, and so difficult to paint trees, and so difficult to paint water – used a ghost wash of colours, keeping the paint wet as it drifted down the paper, changing the washes every second or two to reflect the buildings and trees, then working back in when the initial wash was dry – phew, new respect for watercolourists!