Sunday, 20 January 2013

Bird Rescue!

Yesterday when driving to Stamford, we drove over the top of a lump of snow, which I saw at the last second was an injured Fieldfare, hit by a car.  We pulled in and turned around a couple of hundred yards down the road and sped back to the spot to see if the three cars following had squashed the poor Thrush, but it was still there, slumped on its side.  I ran across the road, picked it up expecting the poor bird to be badly injured, but it had just a minor bruise on its rump and was dazed.  I took it into the snow covered field a good 70 yards from the road, perched it on a branch, checked its wings and legs, which were fine, and left the bird to recover.  

We stopped about an hour later and found the Fieldfare had gone and there were no tracks of a predator about, so assumed the beautiful bird had returned to its flock.  Felt very good for the rest of the day to have rescued the poor bird from certain death.  One of those real feel-good moments.......sigh!


  1. Well done, Peter. This winter there has been an exceptionally high number of Fieldfare migrants (and there Redwing companions) to Britain. In the current weather conditions, all birds need a little extra help to survive, whether it's by a rescue such as yours or by ensuring feeders are regularly well stocked.

  2. I'm sure you will have spotted my grammatical error!

    1. Thanks Terry, yes their(!)are thousands of Redwings and Fieldfares everywhere. They love my rotting apples in the garden!

  3. Its good to hear a happy ending. Best Regards

  4. Brilliant. He was so lucky to have such a caring fellow passing by.You derserve a pat on the back. Ve


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