Thursday 12 June 2014

PB Masterclass!

Luggers Hall, Oil on Board, 12x17 inches SOLD

Yesterday, I painted this en plein air piece as a grandly entitled 'Masterclass', in front of a very appreciative audience as part of Broadway's Arts Festival. This was at the beautiful home of Kay and Red Haslam, formerly owned by Alfred Parsons, the famous Victorian Royal Acadamy artist, who along with other famous artists such as Frank Millet and John Singer Sargent lived in Broadway in the latter part of the 19th and early part of the 20th century.

We were wonderfully looked after and plied with tea, coffee, biscuits, sandwiches and cake by the lovely Kay and willing friends.

The painting itself was a quite a challenge for me, not generally known for my architectural pieces - I leave that to the genius that is 'Pete the Street', whilst I stick to my default subject of rivers and streams, thus my epithet 'Pete the Stream' - doesn't quite have the same ring to it does it!

The day was bright, but mostly cloudy with the sun occasionally bursting through, so the changing light was not too much of a problem - always the bain of the plein air painter. Perspective was much more of a problem to get right with this subject, never quite so paramount with painting rivers. The gravelled path provided a nice 'lead-in', but I think feels a bit empty, so I may well add a figure in the studio, together with a few finishing touches, to be posted soon.

In the meantime, here are a few pics, courtesy of Amanda Noott, of yours truly beavering away in the heat:


1 comment:

  1. Bonjour,
    Vous nous faites partager un moment unique que celui de cette belle démonstration... et à la clef une peinture superbe !
    J'aime la profondeur que vous avez merveilleusement invitée dans cette toile. Le travail des nuances de vert est sublime. La lumière swingue avec les ombres... bravo ! Il n'est pas évident de travailler sous le regard de vos admirateurs.
    Gros bisous à vous


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