Saturday, 4 June 2016

Eye Brook to Eyebrook

Oil on Board, 12 x 17 inches

I actually posted this one last July when I painted it as a demo in the gallery, (did I mention I have a gallery....) but I felt it was a little blue, which is always a problem when painting under artificial, warm lights - your eyes compensate for the yellowy-orange lights and paint cooler, bluer tones.

So, having languished in the studio for nearly a year, I reworked it under daylight lights, and the result is more pleasing, I think.

The view is one of the Eye Brook near the gallery (I did mention I have a gallery, didn't I?), which runs into the beautiful Eyebrook Reservoir...hence the title. 


  1. Armastan teie maale. Need on nii ilusad.

  2. I came to your blog having seen a mention of your name by Haidee-Jo Summers in her blog. I'm learning so much from your postings! I'm newish to painting and the things you talk about don't really come up much in books etc. Can I ask, if you ve left a painting and return to it to work on it some more, how do you do that? I've heard of retouching varnish but I don't know a lot about it or how to use it, or don't you use it anyway yourself, Peter?

    1. Thanks for your kind words Caroline and I'm glad my scribblings have been of some us! To continue work on a painting, there is no need to do anything at all - just go back to it and paint! Retouching varnish can be used to bring out sunken dark passages, but really, most artists, me included, just use it as a protective film for the finished painting. An oil painting should be left for 6 months before a final varnish can be used, and few professionals manage to keep their work that long befor a gallery wants it, so retouching is sufficient. Hope that helps!


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