Thursday 21 February 2013

Burdock and Teasels

Oil on Board, 71/2 x 10 inches  SOLD

I love painting frost, and looking directly into the low winter sun, with broken water below it, throws reflections of intense jewels of light upon it. As I've said before, no paint in the artist's arsenal is bright enough to depict such intensity, so you have to be a bit cunning in attempting to portray it, using touches of yellowy-orange to try and give the illusion you're after.

I chose a spot where last year's Teasels and Burdock seed-heads punched dark spots against the water and haloed globules and egg-shapes against the light frosty vegetation.  The darker Sallows and Willows on the left proved useful to push the eye back into the picture plane and wander over the blue distant banks of trees.

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