Friday, 10 January 2014

Late Autumn Reedmace

Oil on Board, 6 x 8 inches SOLD

I don't know why Blogger is publishing photographs with much more saturation than from my file, but if it appears that way on your screen, I can assure you the painting looks a lot less colourful than here! A far better, more accurate photo (from the same file) can be seen by clicking on my Facebook page at 
NB...I've changed my settings and turned off Google's 'auto-enhance' button, so the photo is now more accurate (thanks to Andy for the tip!)
I rather liked the jaunty angles of the Reedmace with their characteristic long brown seedheads - often wrongly called Bullrushes, which look totally different. The seedheads release their fluffy cream cotton wool-like seeds, rather like Dandelions. 

I quite enjoyed painting the woodland in the background, with a lot of the warm colours of Autumn, but quite a bit of blue and white in the mixes to make the wood recede. Sadly, in the photo here, those subtly blued tones don't appear, so I urge you to look on my FB page to see that I haven't got cataracts!


  1. both photo's of your amazing paintings look the same on my apple mac screen this is a lovely natural scene great work. Rachel.

    1. Thank you Rachel - I've altered my Google settings so they no longer 'auto-enhance' photos when posted, thanks to Andy below!

  2. If the images seem lighter and brighter, then you have probably fallen foul of Google's assumption, again, that they know better than the bloggers who use their service.

    1. Thank you very much for that Andy - quite right, I checked my settings and 'auto-enhance' was switched on, so I've now de-activated it and put the original files on here and 'Slim Pickings', so the colours are now a little more accurate. Thanks for the tip!

  3. Darling, I don't care about saturation...oh er missus, let me tell you I LOVE the deeper colours, I truly do, anyway. Wow, what a gorgeous pic this one is, and is up there as one of my faves.
    Well done, stunning, face lit up when I opened it.
    Love from me

    1. Thank you my dear fabulous author. I've put the original file on now, so you're seeing the better colours - they were way too orange before. Love from me too x


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